Elect Trump in 2016! /s
Alright, I’ll start off with some honesty. Up until recently, I thought you guys were joking about electing Donald Trump as the POTUS in 2016. I didn’t take the circus too seriously, and that was my mistake. Obviously, I was missing the potential so many of my fellow concerned, educated and motivated citizens saw in this particular course of action.
Now, however, I realize that the goal is to use “Reality TV” as a form of government. And not to be a neanderthal stuck in the past, I’m getting on board with the idea. So here’s my step by step plan to have our new, revolutionary executive branch up and running in a few short months:
- Secure Appoint Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho as Trump’s running mate
- Elect Donald Trump and Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
- Outfit Airforce One and The White House with hidden cameras and a full reality TV production crew
- Appoint the cast from Predator to cabinet positions
- Get Imagine Dragons to remake the original theme to “The A-team” to use as the show intro
- Police the world, solving a new issue each week on Thursday night at 8PM, by sending the POTUS and his cabinet around the world in various souped up machines to “fight and defeat bad guys”
- Finish every show with a catch phrase (“You’re fired” comes to mind, but we need to market test it to make sure it hasn’t outlived its appeal)
- Pay off the national debt with the proceeds and watch the world love us at the same time
- Profit
Now for some extra fun, here’s a couple of clips of where we’re headed (heads up, there’s language and violence inherent to Idiocracy):